Aujs A-Z Guide

AUJS can be fairly bewildering to an outsider. We run dozens of functions each month, have dozens of different committees and almost two hundred executive members across Australia and New Zealand. AUJS has a three tiered structure, with a national executive, eight state executives and over twenty campus executives, which means that there are over thirty AUJS presidents.

The purpose of this guide is to summarise our activities so that you can understand what we do. On every campus and in very city there are numerous activities run. With this guide you can choose which types of activities you wish to participate in.

The basic philosophy behind our activities is to make them as varied as possible. You can choose from educational, social, political, religious and cultural activities. The important thing is that you find something to participate in.If we are not offering what you want, approach us with your idea, and we will either organise it or help you to run it.

The message is: Get involved, whether you just come to a few social functions or run for a position on a committee, it doesn't matter. You only have a few years at university, make the most of them.

What is AUJSs view on:


What is Judaism?

  • Is it a religion?
  • Is it a group of people who have something in common?
  • Is it an identity?
  • Is it a culture?
  • Many people will answer yes to at least one of these questions, but just which one is another question. Judaism is a way of life. It incorporates all of the above.

    But what does this mean and how does AUJS relate to Judaism.?

    AUJS has a very open and pluralistic policy when it comes to Judaism. What do we mean by pluralistic? AUJS events are catered for all types of Jews. We don't want you to feel uncomfortable attending a function if you answered Yes to only one of the above questions. We also don't want you to feel uncomfortable if you answered yes to all of the above questions. Our functions and camps are designed so that the more observant will be able to attend but at the same time those that are less observant will not feel alienated. An example of this is that on our camps we aim to hold an Orthodox, Reform, and an alternate service so that everyone can find a service where they feel comfortable and can learn something.

    Judaism can range from a piece of gefilte fish, to a weekend of meditation to a joyful Shabbat service. Until you have really experienced all sides of Judaism, you can’t fully understand what Judaism has to offer you.


    Yikes, don't be scared open your minds to issues such as circumcision, fanataism, orgasm( the Jewish way), Judaism, television (propaganda) and all those ism's and more.

    Education in AUJS ? Getting involved is pretty easy, all you have to do is come along. Education operates on many levels in AUJS. On a campus level there will be speakers on various issues and discussion groups. If you think there are interesting issues not being covered tell the someone , because we want to know so AUJS is really representing what you want. AUJS also participates in cultural activities on campus such as cultural awareness week.. AUJS disseminates information on important events in the Jewish calendar, Israel and the Middle East, Women issues, political campaigns and any other issues relevant to Jewish students today.

    The AUJS region also runs activities off campus. There is a regional publication (different in each state) which deals with issues from Peace and unity to which bands are popular this week. There are also speakers brought out from Israel , England and from around Australia to share there experiences with us.The region also runs weekends away and shabbatons were we have an opportunity to share our ideas and thought on various issues and thrash them out.

    Nationally AUJS runs summer camps and winter camps - where we package clear educational objectives within an informal framework that combines gourmet food, creative programming and participants from across the country.

    Social Acitivities


    Gender Issues


    This is an extract of the AUJS National Constitution and thus is the most complete and authoritative summary of the beliefs and aims of AUJS

    The goal of the Union shall be to promote the unity and positive expression of Judaism by providing an opportunity for the exploration of the Jewish identity of tertiary Jewish Students so as to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people.

    The aims and objectives of the Union shall be:

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